More from the Reggio Emilia show

Prossit avatarAccording to Sydney and his wife, he received a wonderfully warm reception at the   Reggio Emilia comic show  where he  had been invited as guest of honour last weekend. Sydney has a large fanbase in Italy where his work has been admired and published for many years, and many collectors of his work  had the opportunity to meet and chat with him.

Skipper Prossitt

Sydney autographs a piece of artwork for one of his fans
Sydney presents  a piece of artwork to  one of his fans




Sydney autographing artwork for another Italian fan
 Autographing artwork for another Italian fan

Sydney at the Reggio Emilia show

Prossit avatarSydney has been invited  as guest of honour to the Mostra Mercato del Fumetto  ( comics fair)  in imageReggio Emilia  in Northern Italy this weekend. The show is on for the 2nd and 3rd of December so if any of Sydney’s many Italian fans are in the area, call in and meet  him  during the show.  He will also be giving a talk on his work   during the show which closes on Sunday at 6pm.  La vostra possibilità di incontrarsi il creatore di Jeff Hawke!   Skipper Prossitt






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