Sydney at the Cartoon Museum

Prossit avatarIn 2017 , as part of their development of the COMIC CREATORS PROJECT, the CARTOON MUSEUM acquired a batch of original artwork and comic strips from the Bayly-Souster group, for whom Sydney worked when he first came to London ( see: The Butterfly effect in Fleet Street – on this blog 20 Dec 2015).

The collection includes many early pieces by Sydney including DICK HERCULES , HAL STARR and much other early   work from the early fifties. An extensive interview was given by Sydney to Richard Crouch from the   CARTOON MUSEUM ( available at which provides some interesting insights about the early career of Hawke’s creator. Skipper Prossitt

One of the  examples  of Sydney's early work from the Cartoon Museum  collection
One of the examples of Sydney’s early work from the Cartoon Museum collection