Jeff Hawke club event – Bristol 2015

Prossit avatarWe are pleased to announce that the  Jeff Hawke club will hold its annual get-together in Bristol from bristol2Friday 18th September until Sunday 20th September. If you are a club member you are welcome to come along to meet Sydney and other kindred spirits. If you are not already a member , join now and get to meet the creator of Jeff Hawke in Bristol.

The Jeff Hawke club has had a presence in Bristol in the past few years as we have been regular visitors to  the Bristol comic-expo  to promote the club. Over  those years we have discovered that there are many interesting places to visit and many great restaurants.

You can visit Brunel’s SS Great Britain, the first iron-built  ocean-going steamer and its accompanying museum; also there is a full sized replica  of the caravel in which John Cabot sailed to Newfoundland  in 1497, the first English vessel to visit the new world.

Our recommended hotel is the Double tree  – Hilton, which is centrally situated and convenient for all the venues that we want to visit.  We also have some excellent restaurants lined up for the weekend – all previously tried and tested by our

John Cabot's ship the "Matthew"
John Cabot’s ship the “Matthew”

discerning club sectretary.


Friday evening  – Dinner at the Mud dock restaurant


Saturday AM  Visit to SS Great Britain

PM Visit to the Mshed ( a museum of Bristol’s artistic, cultural and technological history)


Members are advised to make their own hotel bookings.

Double tree  – Hilton

The SS Great Britain
The SS Great Britain

Redcliffe way, Bristol , BS1 6NJ    tel: 0117926 0041

We hope to see you there.

Skipper Prosset


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