Hawke and Fortuna – in 3D

Prossit avatarSydney has recently received , as a mark of thanks for his co-operation in the production of the last two collections of Hawke stories, a large vignette , which reproduces in 3D ,the cover picture on  the very last volume . It was commissioned by Fondazione Rosellini, the publishing house which produced these last two volumes and which we reviewed here last February. The piece was the work of talented Italian sculptor/model-maker Gianluca Gianfaldoni , and beautifully depicts Hawke and Fortuna in about 1/12 scale with part of the “Hope”

Gianluca's beautiful depiction of Hawke and Fortuna
Gianluca’s beautiful depiction of Hawke and Fortuna

behind them ,and with a view of the Earth and shattered moon beyond that.

Gianluca specializes in Sci-fi sculpts and models which have covered many subjects familiar to British science-fiction enthusiasts including SPACE 1999, UFO and Blake 7. His interesting website gianlucagianfaldoni.com , although still under construction is certainly worth a visit.  Skipper Prossit

The final volume whose cover was the inspiration for the vignette
The final volume whose cover was the inspiration for the vignette

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