Professor Stephen Hawking’s work on the nature of time and space has for myself and millions like me been both intriguing and bewildering.Being somewhat of a novice in the field of Quantum physics I took comfort from the fact that his awesome treatise was the outcome of an original ‘sense of wonder’ which informed his boyhood years, something he shared with most science fiction storytellers like myself. Embedded in the elegant, but, for us enigmatic equations is the playful reference to multi universes, doors to the past and the future and parallel realities where you and I live out our alternative lives! A cornucopia of inspiration and enough to father an endless flow of stories…
Stephen was dealt a cruel blow by the Universe when it passed a virtual death sentence on him at 21-but he has had his revenge. Living on for a further fifty five years, he has uncovered the innermost secrets of the Cosmos and exposed its true origins.
Now he joins that August company of those who seek the truth – Sydney Jordan
“Such souls whose sudden visitation daze the world
Vanish like lightning, but they leave behind,
A voice that in the distance far away,
Wakens the slumbering ages”
Henry Taylor

Sydney has paid a beautiful and elegant tribute to one of the great minds of this century and the 20th century.